Video Gallery Checkout how SevaChild adapts quickly to world changes and quickly adopts new missions to help the poor and needy where and when they are most needed. SevaChild Micronutrients Program (1.22) SevaChild Water Wells Program (1.06) Serving children in India's most impoverished slums (1.35) Giving life sustaining water (1.56) This villagers struggle to feed her children(1.13) SevaChild's mission; Food, Water, Micronutrients (7.53) Water crisis in India (5.29) Sivana Spirit and SevaChild partnership video 2018 (1.33) Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of childhood blindness in India - How you can help (.47) Masks for half a billion people in India SevaChild-Helping millions of malnourished children in India (1.46) SevaChild-Helping millions of malnourished children in India (1.46) Micro nutrients for a healthy newborn (1.49)